Hello, I'm Danielle Hutchings

I'm a Full Stack Developer living in Fort Worth, Texas.


I’m a Full Stack Developer based in Fort Worth, Texas. I've been hooked on software development ever since discovering that my passions of learning new skills and solving problems are daily occurances when coding. I love the satisfaction of fixing something that is broken, and bringing my ideas to life with coding. I'm looking to join an awesome team of developers that shares these same passions.

I furthered my developer skills through the Thinkful Full Stack program where I learned HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, React and Node. I'm continuing to sharpen my skillset by reading tech blogs, trying small projects and keeping up with industry trends.

When not learning to code, you can find likely find me at home watching a new series on Netflix, at the movies, or somewhere eating tacos.



screenshot of reviewstream app

Reviewstream app is a web app built for you to review shows and store them in one place. I built this app using React, Node, SQL, PostgreSQL, and CSS. The app features a review builder that helps you to review any shows you've watched on streaming services and rate them.

Live App Client Repo API Repo

Restaurant Finder

screenshot of restaurant finder app

Restaurant Finder is a web app built to help you find restaurants in your city. I built this app using HTML, CSS, JQuery, JavaScript, and the Foursquare API. The app features a restaurant search tool, that lists restaurants in the city searched, alond with some similar restaurants, and a map of the restaurant selected.

Live App Repo

Fort Worth Quiz App

screenshot of quiz app

Fort Worth Quiz App is a ten question quiz that utilizes HTML, CSS, Javascript, and jQuery. I built this app as one of my first projects shocasing my newly developed javascript and jQuery skills. The app features a variety of fun facts that allow you to test your knowledge of the city Fort Worth, Texas.

Live App Repo

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